youth check-in

how to begin?

Find time during the week to check-in with your youth. Whether at dinner, in the car or right before bed, having these conversations about faith is not only important for them, but you might find that these discussions can help your own spiritual development as well!

cheerful heart

High School: week of october 30

Bible  READ:  2 Corinthians 9:6-11

slideshareDISCUSS:  Ask your youth about how they view money. If they have a job/allowance/some other source of income, ask them about how they make plans for it. Do either you or them consider donating a portion of it someplace? If so, where? Do you or them give your time toward helping others? How do you do these things with a ‘cheerful heart’ rather than out of obligation? Is that something you are working on?

Praying Hands   PRAY:  God, help us to see the world around us in a generous way. Help us to give where we can and to do so with a loving and cheerful heart.

God's Economy

High School:  week of November 6

Bible  READ:  Psalm 24:1 & James 1:17

slideshareDISCUSS:  Ask your youth about sharing with a sibling or classmate. Do you have a hard time sharing something you see as yours with somebody else? Why do or why not? Would you say that you’re possessive over physical things? Have you ever thought about what you have as a gift from God in the first place? Does that change your relationship with physical things or money? How?

Praying Hands   PRAY:  God help us to appreciate that everything we have is ultimately yours. We ask that you help us to use it like we believe that is the case.

Paying Forward

High School:  week of November 13

Bible  READ:  Luke 21:1-4

slideshareDISCUSS:  We’ve talked for a few weeks about generosity and what it means for us to pour out our gifts for the sake of God’s kingdom. We’ve talked about looking at the gifts that God has given us as being still His. Is there anything in these verses that stands out to you? Have you ever thought about the gifts you receive going forward to help other people as well? Where can you find an opportunity in your own day-to-day life to ‘replant’ the seeds that God has given to you?

Praying Hands   PRAY:  God, we thank you for everything you’ve done for us and continue to do for us. Help us to recognize those gifts and use them to reach other people as well so that we may continue bless others as you have blessed us


High School:  week of November 20

Bible  READ:  1 Thessalonians 5:12-18

slideshareDISCUSS:  Ask your youth about a Thanksgiving memory they may have and share some of your own experiences. Is Thanksgiving particularly important in your family? What stands out to you about the holiday? How often do you notice the good things in your life? Do you ever take time to thank God for all the little things? Do you ever pray about these things? What can you do to be more aware of where God is working in your life?

Praying Hands   PRAY:  God, help us to appreciate the ways you are moving in our lives and recognize where we need to be more grateful for everything you do.

The Bread

Middle School:  Week of November 3

Bible  READ:  Matthew 26:26-30

slideshareDISCUSS:  Ask your youth about what they know about communion. Why do we gather to do this at church regularly? What does it represent? Jesus gives communion to the disciples right before being arrested, why do we need to remember this last meeting of Jesus’ disciples all together? Have you ever served communion? Did it feel like anything in particular when you did it? We have our Youth Sunday coming up on November 24th with an opportunity for the youth to help serve at each service. Ask if they would be interested in helping out.

Praying Hands   PRAY:  God, help us to remember your sacrifice and to appreciate your forgiveness of our sins. We pray that we may keep this in mind every time we take communion.

The Vine

Middle School:  Week of November 17

Bible  READ:  John 15:1-3

slideshareDISCUSS:  Have you ever been to a vineyard before or seen a grapevine? What does it look like? How are the smaller branches connected to a bigger vine? What does the vine give to the branches to survive? How are you ‘fruitful’ in a spiritual sense? How can we remain connected to Jesus so that we gain the ‘nutrients’ to make ‘fruit’?

Praying Hands   PRAY:  God, help us to remain connected to you and continue to grow in our relationship with you. We pray that you provide us with direction, wisdom, and understanding so that we may produce fruit in the world.