youth check-in

how to begin?

Find time during the week to check-in with your youth. Whether at dinner, in the car or right before bed, having these conversations about faith is not only important for them, but you might find that these discussions can help your own spiritual development as well!

Bread of Life

week of February 5

Bible  READ:  John 6:32-35

slideshareDISCUSS:  Talk to your youth about your favorite foods. What foods do you have that remind you of your childhood? Do you still eat them regularly? Beyond just taste and nutrients, do these provide you with anything in particular like memories? In these verses, Jesus is talking about Himself as the Bread of Life. Why do you think He is comparing Himself to something so common or so mundane? What do you think is the point he’s trying to emphasize here?

Praying Hands   PRAY:  God, help us to see your involvement in our lives as being as necessary to us as simple nourishment. We pray that we don’t see you as something ‘additional’ to our day-to-day lives but, rather, as something essential and daily.

the light

week of February 12

Bible  READ:  John 8:12

slideshareDISCUSS:  Talk to your youth about whether you/they were ever afraid of the dark when you were younger? If so, how long until you grew out of it (if you did)? What is it about the dark that is so frightening to begin with? Is it just that you’re in the unknown or could it be something deeper? Jesus uses another comparison here to explain who He is. What connections do you see between Jesus’ guidance and a light?

Praying Hands   PRAY:  God, we pray that we might follow your light as a guide in the world. Even when things seem at their darkest, help us to remember your light that is always with us.


week of February 19

Bible  READ:  John 10:14-18

slideshareDISCUSS:  Talk with your youth about how well you think you know each other. Maybe ask a few questions about your ‘favorites’, your histories, or opinions. Who knows each other better? Why do you think that is? In these verses, Jesus is talking about Jesus knowing His flock (us). Do you feel like Jesus really knows who you are on a deep, personal level? Do you know Him? If not, how can you learn to know Him better?

Praying Hands   PRAY:  God, thank you for being a part of our lives. We pray that we can learn to follow you and know you better than we do now. 

comfort during loss

week of February 23

Bible  READ:  John 11:25-26

slideshareDISCUSS:  This is a heavy one but take a few minutes to talk to your youth about where you may have experienced death in your lives. A family member, a friend, even just a pet. How do you both feel around losing someone you care about? Are these words from Jesus comforting at all? Have you ever thought about the resurrection Jesus promises here?

Praying Hands   PRAY:  God, we pray that we can look to you for comfort when we are experiencing loss in our lives. Help us to remember your words here and accept you at your word.

The Way, TRuth & Life

Week of March 5

Bible  READ:  John 14:5-6

slideshareDISCUSS:  Talk to your youth about the last time you got lost. Maybe you were driving without directions or you got turned around in a school or mall. Have they ever been lost without clear directions? What is your usual strategy when this happens? In these verses here, Jesus refers to Himself as the Way, Truth, and Life. If Jesus is the Way, how best should we follow Him? Is it still possible for us to get lost while trying to follow His path? What do you do when that happens?

Praying Hands   PRAY:  God, we pray that we can see you as our Way in life, our path set out before us. Help us to follow your path toward life and to stay focused on who you are.