Find time during the week to check-in with your youth. Whether at dinner, in the car or right before bed, having these conversations about faith is not only important for them, but you might find that these discussions can help your own spiritual development as well!
youth check-in
how to begin?
week of December 8
Bible READ: John 1:1-5
slideshare DISCUSS: If you wanted to tell a story and make sure it was well-understood, where would you start? At the beginning? What about the events before that? In these verses, John starts his Gospel with a lot of language about Jesus (the Word) existing before his human birth. What do you think that means? What sort of imagery is John using a lot of here? Why do you think he chose to use light/dark imagery?
Praying Hands PRAY: God, help us to see the celebration of Jesus’ birth as so much more than just a holiday on a calendar but rather a celebration of His light in the world. Help us to reflect that light as best as we can in our lives.
week of December 15
Bible READ: John 1:5-14
slideshare DISCUSS: Do you prefer to be in the spotlight or helping from the side? Why is that? Is it more/less pressure, more/less attention, more/less expectations that makes you prefer one to the other? These verses introduce us to John the Baptist, a preacher who proclaimed that Jesus was coming. In these verses, how does it describe John’s relationship with the light? Are we meant to be the source of ‘light’ in the world? How then should we be spreading this metaphorical ‘light’?
Praying Hands PRAY: God help us reflect the light that you shine in the world. Let us be present for the people in our lives and please work through us to make this world the way you want it to be.