youth check-in

how to begin?

Find time during the week to check-in with your youth. Whether at dinner, in the car or right before bed, having these conversations about faith is not only important for them, but you might find that these discussions can help your own spiritual development as well!

career is not always your calling

week of october 2

Bible  READ:  Matthew 5:14-16

slideshareDISCUSS:  Ask your youth how other people can affect their mood for the day. Can your classmates/siblings/parents change your outlook on the day? Make it worse/better? In these verses, Jesus is talking about being a beacon of light to the people around us. How much do you think about the ways your spirit affects other people? Is that something you consider at all? Do you need to work at a church to be a ‘light’ to the people in your life? Why or why not?

Praying Hands   PRAY:  God, help us to see where we can share your light with the world. We pray that we can recognize the work you call us to do regardless of what we may do for a living.

What is your work?

week of october 9

Bible  READ:  Colossians 3:23-24

slideshareDISCUSS:  How much do you think your attitude on what you’re doing affects the quality of your work? If you really care about a project, do you think it will be better than if you don’t? These verses say that whatever we work at, we should care about it and do our best. Where in your life do you think you might be doing less than your best?

Praying Hands   PRAY:  God, help us to give time, attention, and effort into the things we need to do in life. Help us to take pride in our work and enjoy it for what it is.

Welcome to ministry

week of october 16

Bible  READ:  Romans 12:1-8

slideshareDISCUSS:  Ask your youth about being a part of a team or a group project. Do they prefer working alone or together? What if you were working together toward a much bigger common goal? Do you see being a part of the Church as being a part of a community or a team? What are these verses talking about in terms of living and working in ‘ministry’ even if it isn’t your full-time job? Do any of these ‘gifts’ that Paul is talking about stand out to you? Why?

Praying Hands   PRAY:  Jesus, we thank you for being a part of a community of believers and ask that you help us to work together to move your kingdom forward. Help us to see the roles that we have to play in ministry in the different places of our lives.


week of october 23

Bible  READ:  1 Thessalonians 4:9-12

slideshareDISCUSS:  Have you ever invited someone to church? How did that go? Spend a few minutes talking to each other about what runs through your mind or what challenges you might have in doing so. What do you think about verse 12 in this scripture talking about ‘winning the respect of outsiders’? What do you think Paul is talking about in terms of how we interact with people? Can your work help you to meet new people to build relationships? Do you have any experience with that?

Praying Hands   PRAY:  God, help us to interact with people in a healthy and loving manner. We ask that you give us opportunities to share your loving kindness and be good neighbors to the people around us.